APO 500
14 July 1947
AG 676.3
(14 Jul 47)
(SCAPIN - 1744)
THROUGH | Central Liaison Office, Tokyo. |
SUBJECT | Control of Radio Communications. |
1. Memoranda for the Japanese Government, file AG 676.3 (20 Nov 45)CCS (SCAPIN 321), dated 20 November 1945, subject: Control of Radio Communications, and file AG 676.3 (29 Aug 46)CCS (SCAPIN 1166), dated 29 August 1946, same subject, including the following amendments to SCAPIN 1166, are rescinded:
a. Memorandum to Japanese Government (SCAPIN-1222), dated 20 September 1946.
b. Memorandum to Japanese Government (SCAPIN-1283), dated 22 October 1946.
c. Memorandum to Japanese Government (SCAPIN-1323), dated 7 November 1946.
d. Memorandum to Japanese Government (SCAPIN-1379), dated 4 December 1946.
e. Memorandum to Japanese Government (SCAPIN-1500), dated 30 January 1947.
f. Memorandum to Japanese Government (SCAPIN-1592), dated 1 April 1947.
g. Memorandum to Japanese Government (SCAPIN-1733), dated 14 June 1947.
2. Inclosure 1, with amendments attached, is a Geographical List of Authorized Japanese Radio Stations as of 1 July 1947.
3. Inclosures 2 and 3 contain the same information and are the same as Inclosure 1 except the listings are made according to frequency and call letter sequence, respectively.
4. Inclosure 4 is a list of definitions, abbreviations and limitations pertaining to the frequency assignments which appear in the throe lists.
5. Inclosure 5 is a list of Japanese Ship Radio Stations and their assigned frequencies authorized by this memorandum.
6. Inclosure 6 is a list of inactive police radio stations. The retention on an inactive status of these stations is authorized. This does not constitute authority to operate these stations.
7. All radio stations, together with frequencies allocated thereto, previously authorized by SCAPIN 1166 and amendments thereto, are hereby authorized.
8. All radio station licenses bearing the SCAP Registry No. assigned by General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, in Memorandum for the Japanese Government, file AG 676.3(29 Aug 46)CCS, (SCAPIN 1166), dated 29 August 1946, subject: Control of Radio Communications, as amended, which are in conformance with Inclosure 1, are herewith re-authenticated by this memorandum.
9. The Japanese Government will require that a station license be issued to each ship radio station listed in Inclosure 5. The license issued will bear the SCAP Registry No. appearing in the second column of the list of Japanese Ship Radio Stations, Inclosure 5.
10. Licenses will be issued to any additional radio stations only when operation of such radio stations is approved by the Ministry of Communications and the authorization subsequently authorized by Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Licenses will be printed in both Japanese and English and will be postal in a conspicuous place in the transmitter room of the licensed station.
11. The Japanese Government will exercise the utmost surveillance by monitoring methods and take such action as may be necessary to assure that no unauthorized radio stations are permitted to operate.
12. Hereafter, all applications for additions, deletions and changes to the lists of authorized radio stations will be submitted by the Ministry of Communications directly to the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, which Section will advise the Ministry of Communications by memorandum of the action taken on the application.
13. At the end of each two-month period beginning 1 July 1947, the Ministry of Communications will have complete lists printed of all additions, deletions and changes that were authorized during the preceding two-month period and deliver six hundred (600) copies of these printed lists to the Civil Communications Section within ten days after the end of each two-month period.
14. Beginning 15 July 1947 and every six months thereafter, on 15 July and 15 January of each year, the Ministry of Communications will have new lists printed of all the stations and frequencies authorized by this memorandum, including all additional authorizations that were made during the previous six-month period, making such additions, deletions and changes to the lists that were authorized during that period. The lists and quantities to be provided, and delivered to the Civil Communications Section, are as follows:
Quantity List
600 List of Japanese Fixed and Land Radio Stations - Geographical
600 List of Japanese Fixed and Land Radio Stations - Frequency
600 List of Japanese Fixed and Land Radio Stations - Call Letters
700 List of Japanese Ship Radio Stations - Geographical Registry
700 List of Japanese Ship Radio Stations - Call Letters
700 List of Japanese Coastal and Radio Marine Beacon Stations
15. Temporary authorizations will be made by direct communication between Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and the Ministry of Communications, and will not appear in any printed list.
16. Direct communications between the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and the Ministry of Communications, regarding matters within the scope of this memorandum, are authorized.
Colonel, AGD,
Adjutant General.
6 Incls
1 Geographical List of Japanese Radio Stations
2 Frequency List of Japanese Radio Stations
3 Call Sign List of Japanese Radio Stations
4 Definitions, Abbreviations and Limitations
5 List of Japanese Ship Radio Stations
6 List of Authorized Inactive Police Radio Stations
APO 500
14 July 1947
SUBJECT : Information of General Application Pertaining to Directive Number (SCAPIN 1744), file AG 676.3 (14 Jul 47)CCS, this Headquarters, dated 14 July 1947 subject: Control of Radio Communications
1. The operation of all Japanese radio stations, both government and civil, is authorized by the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Every station authorized is issued a license bearing a SCAP Registry No. which is issued by the Civil Communications Section.
2. All frequencies allocated to the Japanese Government for assignment to authorized stations are allocated and authorized by Civil Communications Section after their availability and clearance has been coordinated with FEC Frequency Allocation Committee and the Signal Office, General Headquarters, Far East Command, who coordinate clearance from Frequency Control Boards outside Japan when necessary.
3. The authorized frequencies either appear on the station's license or addenda to the license.
4. The procedure for establishing a new radio station is as follows:
a. After the materials for construction and equipment have been authorized by the Telecommunications Bureau of the Economic Stabilization Board and prior to the time the station is ready to operate, the Ministry of Communications submits an application to Civil Communications Section for authority to operate, and for the allocation and assignment of suitable frequencies.
b. After coordination by Civil Communications Section with the Far East Command Frequency Allocation Board, Signal Office and any other interested SCAP Sections, the application is either authorized or not authorized, and the
Ministry of Communications is advised of action taken by a Memorandum from Civil Communications Section. Applications concerning additions, deletions and changes involving previously-authorized radio stations and frequencies are handled in the same manner.
5. Copies of all the memorandums referred to in above paragraph are sent to the Eighth Army in order that they have the necessary information to exercise any surveillance that may be required.
6. After each bi-monthly period starting 1 July 1947, the Ministry of Communications will submit lists of all the authorized additions, deletions and changes to the list of radio stations distributed with the subject SCAPIN.
7. After each semi-annual period starting 1 July 1947, the Ministry of Communications will submit new lists of all previously authorized radio stations.
8. When the lists referred to in paragraphs 6 and 7 are received, a memorandum will be sent to the Japanese Government (SCAPIN) re-affirming the authorizations previously made by Civil Communications Section by Memorandum to the Ministry of Communications and by the subject SCAPIN.
9. By close coordination between the Eights Army and Civil Communications Section, it is planned to utilize the Japanese Government's surveillance as directed in paragraph 11 of the subject SCAPIN.
10. Strict and efficient surveillance by the Japanese Government will alleviate to a considerable extent the strict surveillance now being exercised by Eighth Army.
Lt Col, AGD,
Asst Adj Gen.
Same as (SCAPIN 1744)
less Japanese Government
- SCAPIN-321
- SCAPIN-1166
- SCAPIN-1222
- SCAPIN-1283
- SCAPIN-1323
- SCAPIN-1379
- SCAPIN-1500
- SCAPIN-1592
- SCAPIN-1733
Amended by
- SCAPIN-1744/1
- SCAPIN-1744/10
- SCAPIN-1744/11
- SCAPIN-1744/15
- SCAPIN-1744/19
- SCAPIN-1744/21
- SCAPIN-1744/22
- SCAPIN-1744/25
- SCAPIN-1744/26