APO 500
31 October 1949
AG 676.3
(14 Jul 47)
(SCAPIN - 1744/19)
SUBJECT | Control of Radio Communications. |
1. Reference is made to Memorandum for the Japanese Government, AG 676.3 (14 Jul 47)CCS, SCAPIN 1744, 14 July 1947, subject as above.
2. Reference 1 is hereby amended as follows:
a. Change paragraph 10 to read:
"10. Licenses will be issued to additional radio stations only when operation of such stations is approved by the Ministry of Telecommunications. Licenses will be printed in both Japanese and English and will be posted in a conspicuous place in the transmitter room of the licensed station. Each such license will bear a SCAP registry number determined by the Ministry of Telecommunications."
b. Change paragraph 12 to read:
"12. a. Applications will be submitted by the Ministry of Telecommunications directly to Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, for all additions, deletions, and changes to the list of authorized radio stations except for cases indicated in subparagraphs (l), (2), (3), and (4) below.
"(1) When the frequency involved is within one of the following bands and provided use of the frequency does not concern the Aeronautical, Radio Navigation, Radio Location, Radar, or Amateur services.
54 - 68 mega cycles 470 - 585 mega cycles
100 - 108 " " 610 - 960 " "
148 - 157 " " 1350 - 1600 " "
188 - 200 " " 1850 - 2300 " "
400 - 420 " " 2450 - 2700 " "
460 - 470 " " 3900 - 4200 " "
"(2) When the frequency involved has been previously authorized for assignment to Japanese ships and is for use by ship stations on ships navigating in authorized waters, provided use of the frequency involved does not concern radar.
"(3) Wien a change is necessary to correct typographical errors in the nomenclature of the List of Japanese Radio or Ship and Coastal Radio Stations.
"(4) When a change not exceeding five minutes in latitude or longitude is necessary in the geographical registration of a presently authorized frequency, provided the frequency concerned does not involve radio navigational aids, radar, or any radio service being provided for the Occupation Forces.
"b. Appropriate guard bands within the upper and lower limits of frequency bands indicated in paragraph 12a(1) above will be provided to avoid interference with adjacent band services.
"c. All additions, changes, and deletions accomplished by the Ministry of Telecommunications under paragraph 12a(l), (2), (3), and (4) above will be reviewed bimonthly by Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.
"d. The Ministry of Telecommunications will be advised by memorandum of the action taken on applications submitted to the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers."
c. Change paragraph 13 to read:
"13. Within fifteen (15) days following 1 January and 1 July each year, and beginning 1 January 1950, the Ministry of Telecommunications will deliver to the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, consolidated printed lists showing all authorized radio stations and frequencies as of 1 January and 1 July. The lists and quantities to be delivered to the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, are:
Quantity List
265 copies List of Japanese Fixed and Land Radio
Stations - by order of frequency,
call letters, and geographical location.
( List of Japanese ship radio stations
( by call letters and geographical
( registry number.
385 copies (
( List of Japanese Coastal and Radio
( Marine Beacon Stations."
d. Change paragraph 14 to read:
"14. Within ten (10) days of the end of each two-months period beginning 1 November 1949 (except 1 January and 1 July), the Ministry of Telecommunications will deliver to the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, one hundred (100) copies of lists showing all additions, deletions, and changes of radio stations and frequencies which were authorized during the preceding two-months period."
Brigadier General, AGD,
Adjutant General.
See reverse for Memo, Info of Gen Applic.
APO 500
31 October 1949
SUBJECT : Information of General Application Pertaining to Directive Number (SCAPIN 1744), AG 676.3 (14 Jul 47)CCS. This Headquarters, 14 July 1947 subject: Control of Radio Communications
1. Memorandum, subject as above, 14 July 1947, is herewith amended as follows:
a. Change paragraph 4 to read ---
"4. Except as provided in subparagraph 4c below, the procedure for establishing a new radio station is as follows:"
b. Add following new paragraph, as 4c---
"4. c. In accordance with current Occupational instructions a certain relaxation in the Control of Radio Communications has been effected by Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, as outlined in Amendment 19 to SCAPIN 1744. Reference amendment releases certain spot frequencies bearing an international allocation to ships, and certain bands of frequencies above 54 megacycles, to the Ministry of Telecommunications for reassignment without prior authorization from Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. In addition, applications will not be required for minor changes in the geographical location of a previously authorized station (excluding certain services) or for corrections to nomenclature of previously authorized radio stations listed in the List of Japanese Radio Stations. SCAP registry numbers following the same pattern currently employed will be determined by the Ministry of Telecommunications."
c. Change paragraph 6 to read as follows:
"6. After each bimonthly period starting 1 July 1947, the ministry of Telecommunications will submit lists of all the authorized additions, deletions and change to the list of radio stations distributed with the subject SCAPIN. All assignments, changes and deletions made by the Ministry of Telecommunications concerning frequencies released to the Japanese Government under Amendment 19 to SCAPIN 1744 will be reviewed bimonthly by Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers."
Major, AGD,
Asst Adj Gen.
Same as SCAPIN 1744/19
(Less Japanese Government)