APO 500
22 April 1949
AG 463.7
(2 Apr 49)
(SCAPIN - 1995)
SUBJECT | Recovery of Waste Petroleum Products. |
1. Rescissions:
a. Memorandum for the Japanese Government from General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, file AG 463.7 (25 May 47)GD, SCAPIN 1827, 25 November 1947, subject: Disposition of Waste Petroleum Products.
b. Memorandum for the Japanese Government, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, file AG 463.7 (5 Apr 47)GD, SCAPIN 1602, 5 April 1947, subject: Sale of Waste Petroleum Products to the Japanese Government.
c. Memorandum for the Japanese Government from General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, file AG 463.7 (20 Jun 46)GD, SCAPIN 1514-4, 20 June 1946, subject: Petroleum Importation for the Japanese Government, Third Quarter 1946.
2. References:
a. Memorandum for the Japanese Government from General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, file. AG 463.7 ( 2 Sep 48)GD, SCAPIN 1930/2, 5 April 1949, subject: Petroleum Distribution, Reports Required.
b. Memorandum from the Japanese Government, (C.L.C.O, 900 (2P)) 2 April 1949, subject: Application for Permission to Handle Waste Oil.
3. The plan for the handling of waste oils submitted as an inclosure to reference 2 b above is approved, effective 1 April 1949, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 below.
4. The Japanese Government is responsible for the promulgation and enforcement of regulations governing the collection, processing, sale and distribution of all types of waste petroleum referred to herein. The practice of deviating from standard nomenclature of petroleum products for the purpose of evading the provision of such regulations is prohibited.
5. Waste petroleum products will be classified as "Domestic" and "Imported" These classes are defined as follows:
a. "Domestic" waste petroleum will include:
(1) All petroleum products produced in Japan which cannot be utilized for their original purpose, or as an acceptable substitute for any other refined product. Included in this category are such common products as tank bottom oils, contaminated stocks, and sub specification products produced by Japanese refineries.
(2) All petroleum products sold to the Japanese Government by privately owned petroleum industries as tank bottom oils and/or contaminated stocks.
b. "Imported" waste petroleum will include all petroleum products, except aircraft engine oils, procured by the United States Government which have been used and which cannot be utilized for this original purpose or as an acceptable substitute for any other refined petroleum product.
6. The Japanese Government will submit monthly to General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, a report covering the activities of each waste oil collector and/or refiner, which will reflect the quantity on hand, received, disposed of, and balance on hand for the period covered in the report. This report will be submitted on or before the 10th day of the month succeeding the month covered by the report. The initial report will cover the month of April 1949, due in General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, not later than 10 May 1949.
Colonel, AGD,
Adjutant General.